Monday, April 25, 2011

5 Tips for outdoor exercises this summer

Some of us love our morning runs, or our evening walks. Some of us need our quick game of tennis before the end of the week comes around. Some of us may have grown tired of our old indoor routine and may want to try a hand at stepping outdoors this summer. But the summer heat can sap us of energy and make us feel dehydrated and even worse, lethargic! Before you lose all hope, here are 5 tips to stay cool and motivated for outdoorexercises this summer.

Go shopping: Before you think we've lost the plot, I'm talking about workout clothes here. There is a whole range of cooling clothing out there in the market that absorbs sweat quickly and has perforations to ensure that you remain cool on the inside. It's time to save your old cotton t-shirts for a more appropriate season, and get some 'Cool' new workout clothes. And you know what? Sometimes it even works as a motivator to get out there and show off your new great fitting wardrobe!

Lots of fluid: This goes without saying. But sometimes in the quest to stay hydrated we end up drinking sugar rich sports and energy drink. Instead drink natural energy drinks and lots and lots of water. Sometimes if you've sweated more than usual, you may find that you have a headache or feel nauseous later in the day. This is nothing but dehydration and the only answer is fluids and more fluids.

Go out earlier or later than normal: Make the effort to wake up 20 minutes earlier than normal, or go 45 minutes later than normal in the evenings for your run. Try and make sure you are out there before sunrise or after sunset. This is probably more mental than physical, but it will make you feel cooler and less sapped of energy.

Take it slow: You may need to slow down your pace or reduce the number of kms you usually run. The fact of the matter is that it is hot out there, and your body will not be able to perform as well as it could during the cooler months. So listen to your body, and take it slow.

Carry ice with you: If you run long distances you can wrap ice in a cloth or a rag and wrap it around your neck. If you don't want to carry ice then splash your face and head with cool water every now and then. This may seem like a scene from the movies, but its well worth it as it goes a long way in keeping you cool.

The point is that whether it's summer, winter, or the monsoons, there are ways you can find to ensure that you have a great workout, so no excuses work this summer. Yes it is hot, but that's how most summers have always been ever since anyone can remember.

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