Healthy life style
Today’s life is so far beyond our ancestors wildest dreams they would be amazed at how much we take for granted and if they where to return, would take the story of their adventures in heaven.
We live in a terribly polluted, fast-paced, high stressed, super seized, sedentary life and the first thing we cut out is exercise & movement in general. The Internet, machinery, bio-pharmaceuticals and technology of every shape and kind have had greater lifestyle changes in last 20 years & had made our current world truly astounding! Even the simple luxury of flushing a toilet was something only Kings could afford a little over 100 years ago. Instead of wondering where our next meal will come from, we waste our time with fashion, television, vanity and a host of other distractions - we have so much spare time that many people in our society simply loose focus on who they are and resort towards abusing their own bodies to feel alive via over-consumption.
Obesity in the good old days was hardly seen but now it is common place, families stayed together for generations, now many children send their parents to old age residences. Now people have forgotten what is important in their life and couch potato & modern lifestyle has already started to take a toll of one’s health.
We tend to even look down upon the plight of “uncivilized” cultures and even worse, take advantage of their situation to benefit our own. We are so inundated with worthless junk that any of us have lost the meaning of what it means to be alive.
Life in the good-old-days was extremely difficult as it was full of physical labor, sacrifice and hardship. If you have to fight & work hard for each & every small thing like if you are hungry, catch a fish or hunt, if you are cold, put some more wood on the fire, if you are dirty, jump in a lake or river, if you are tired, sleep.
We are very far away from chemical rehabilitation as the moment we fall sick , we simply get ourselves cured with drug or pills.. We think that life in the past was simple & easy, it was but in many other ways, it was also more complex. Time also has no meaning in nature, it’s either night or day - there are no “landmarks” to indicate the year, day of the week or what the weather will be like tomorrow. Nature is timeless - it’s only our modern lifestyles that require the precision of time. People spend most of the life in materially driven world and forgot that money isn’t necessary for living a fulfilling life - we never saw a squirrel go without nuts because his wallet was empty.
Life before our modern conveniences involved a constant search for food stability and predictability - there where no grocery stores and food spoiled quickly. If you had no food, you starved - if you had no clean water, you took a gamble - if you had no shelter, none was provided. There where no real governments to “back you up”, if you had problems you where mostly on your own to deal with them and if you wanted to travel anywhere, it was done with great reservations. It was truly the survival of the fittest and the further you go back, the more extreme the conditions. Today, Score of people are suffering from health related diseases because of their extreme busy schedule where they have no time for exercises.
Sedentary lifestyle is the foremost factor behind the unhealthy diet and the impact of this lifestyle can put us at serious diseases & early death. The contaminated atmosphere, water supply, food supply are more or less crucial factors.
An unhealthy diet is the primary cause of degenerative disease .An unhealthy lifestyle means more illness and more expense to treat those illnesses. This means a bigger burden on an already challenged health care system. Poor health also means more time lost at work, less quality recreational time, and even shorter life spans.
Based on research, only three percent of population followed four steps of a healthy well being which are very crucial.
· Exercising 30 minutes or more five days per week.
· Eating five or more servings of fruits and vegetables every day.
· Maintaining a healthy weight with a BMI under 25.
· Being a non smoker
Doctors say an unhealthy lifestyle is causing an alarming change in the health of teen-agers: More of them are developing adult diseases like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, cancer at an early age. That means growing numbers of children are at risk for serious complications like kidney and heart disease, blindness and nerve degeneration in their arms and legs.
Researchers claimed, the healthiest people cost the taxpayer more than the others over their respective lifetimes. People who are physically active in their free time may be biologically younger than couch potatoes. The researchers suggest that physically inactive people may be more vulnerable to the damage caused to cells by exposure to oxygen, and to inflammation. A sedentary lifestyle increases the propensity to aging-related diseases and premature death. Sedentary lifestyle is more dangerous for your health than smoking. 20% of all deaths of people 35 and older were attributed to a lack of physical activity.
While smokers and the overweight are often criticized for the financial impact of their unhealthy lifestyles, an obese person's medical bills actually average 10 per cent less overall than those of a person of normal weight and smokers require even less treatment. The reason being that the healthy tend to live longer and so, while they might not have to battle lung cancer, heart disease or diabetes in their fifties, they may need long-term care for illnesses of old age such as Alzheimer's.
Health experts say balance diet & regular exercises can greatly improve our lifestyle and can change our unhealthy lifestyle to a healthy one. Exercises have been always very essential for the proper functioning of our body & mind.
Here are some of the basic benefits that people can look forward to, when embarking upon a lifetime fitness outlook that includes some form of exercise:
Increased Energy :By working out on a regular basis, your body becomes more efficient at burning calories. This gives you more energy throughout the day.
Increased Metabolism: Increased physical activity through working out leads to more muscle mass, which in itself leads to a higher metabolism. As per some studies, every extra pound of muscle allows you to burn anywhere from 50-100 calories when at rest.
Improved Muscle Tone: Physical activity, especially weight training allows you to change the shape of your body. Since muscle is denser than fat, one can get bigger or smaller by gaining more muscle mass?
Better Health: Increased exercising leads to a strengthening of the immune system; which means that one is less likely to get sick when exercising the right amount. . When you burn fat, the toxins are released into the bloodstream, and are quickly carried out of the body through sweat. This inoculates you against the probability of developing cancerous and diseased cells. On the other hand, over exercising can weaken your immune system and make you sick.
Stress Reduction; Stress levels are reduced extensively by regular work outs. They allow the individual to take their mind off the daily grind and use pent up energies for productive purposes.
Improved Self-Esteem: When following an exercise regimen for a regular basis, you bring about greater self esteem through the results and accomplishment achieved.
Last but not the least the key method of staying healthy is balanced diet. Balanced diet provides us all essential nutrients which are mandatory for the body .
Exercise can also help control other problems, such as: Sleep apnea, moodiness, stress, decreased energy, cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol and others. Be assured that this tool can help you become a fit, stronger, disease-free, and overall healthier person.
Performing some form of physical activity daily will significantly boost your “basal metabolic rate”—the number of calories your body burns in order to keep you alive. By having a high metabolism, you burn calories 24 hours a day—even while you sleep! You can literally turn your body into a fat-burning machine!
By keeping physically fit, appreciating everything we have and not forgetting where we came from balance can be easily achieved - it does take time, commitment and work but there really is a way to juggle the advances of the modern day without the hardships of the past. We do not have to choose between modern vs past, we can steer our lives towards the benefits that each provides.
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